If I didn't have a huge seven-month-old belly, I would have jumped out of my chair with the joy that filled my soul. December started off on the right foot and with the response from a publishing house, which took my proposal seriously, I couldn't feel better.

It was my opportunity, my moment to bring to light a book that many times I wanted to delete, that I put down, that I paused, that I even thought was absurd. Our story was behind each paragraph, captured between the lines of each chapter. Knowing that one day not too far away "A Whisper In The Storm" would be behind the windows of a bookstore or store, filled me with satisfaction and happiness.

“Love? Ismail inquired, finding me still stupefied looking at the laptop screen”

I turned to him with a huge smile.

"Do you remember my manuscript?" I questioned ecstatically, covering my lips.

“Of course, I read it all, you couldn't have told our story in a better way. It's perfect, you told me about your plans to send it to a publisher,
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