We left the hotel after having some bread toast for breakfast, after dressing in a suit that he ordered for me at the hotel boutique, because mine had come undone after our first passionate encounter. 

I smiled at the memory and parts of my body reacted with excitement to the evocation of those moments.

I had to hurry because according to Nick we were on time, I heard him talking to someone to delay the departure time and I was curious, would that be the person who would buy our tickets? I asked myself.

However, I occupied my mind with other matters, such as going to look for some things at my house without him accompanying me and taking the opportunity to send a text message to my mother to tell her that I was going to stay with other friends other than Mariana, because If I told her that I was with her right now, I could call her to verify the information and if I did, I would end up discovering my lie. 


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