Between all of them, they managed to force the door to enter. When I opened the door I saw him sitting on a bottle while an empty one rested on one side, his eyes were red and glassy, and I told him “Give me the damn bottle!

He stood up and said to me in a drunken tone, "I'm not going to give it to you! Go on enjoying each other's company and leave me alone, like the miserable dog that I am. Don't worry about me, I'm the rest of you, I'll keep drinking until I fall unconscious or this time my heart attack is fulminant. Who cares?

“You're a fool Nick, of course I care about you, why do you think I'm here? “I said trying to make him understand.

“I am not going to question you, there is no one to blame here but me because I had you and I lost you because I was an idiot and jealous, I didn't know how to handle my feelings, they got the better of me and I made the worst mistakes of my life.

"When you want me to sign the divorce, I had not done it because deep down I had hoped that we would
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