Chapter 132 – Lions and cubs

Since Louis had an enormous interest in lions, Arthur decided to take the group to a reserve of lions that opened to visitation. This way they all could have a closer look at the magnificent ‘king of the jungle’.

He had chosen a place that was the regular feeding and breeding place called ‘Kenya lion farm’.

“Wow, they sure are different from my parent´s farm.” Carol was surprised to see so many lions in the different pens. This was not an agricultural place, indeed. The farmer survived selling the lions to zoos or even to other breeders.

After they had watched the workers of the farm feed the huge lions, it was time to learn some facts about these predators.

“You can tell how old a lion is by the color of his mane. The darker the mane is, the older the lion will be. Male lions have frequent fights with other males, and that is one of the reasons that they evolved those thick, long manes. It is a way to protect their necks during those fights.” The pro

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