Chapter 135 – Mark´s proposal

The tender feeling was felt by everyone on the island since the news of Carol´s pregnancy had spread. Congratulations were in order, as well as some tears of happiness and best wishes to the proud parents and sister-to-be.

On the day of her birthday, Mandy felt as if her feet were not touching the ground because happiness made her light.

The food served for lunch was delicious at the party and the orchestra music was heard mingled with heartfelt laughs. Mandy took the microphone and thanked each person that had attended her party, saying their names with a wide smile that was instantly returned. She made sure that Mark was by her side at all times. They held hands and whispered love words to one another all the time.

Mandy declared her love for the baby that was on the way and people applauded nonstop. Then she asked Arthur and Carol to join her on stage and gave them the microphone.

She heard their congratulations for her birthday and their dear word

A. C. Mabrano

Sweet readers, I invite you to explore the adventures of Bethany in exotic distant lands. It is a voyage driven by love. This love story is for you: The feminist CEO and the arrogant SHEIK. This book will be 100k long, so it can enter the CEO contest. Enjoy it. Stay sweet!

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