Chapter 130 – Steph interviewed by students


After they decided to be friends, you could see them together everywhere. Even when Brian had classes, Steph would just go with him and sit by his side, absorbing his world.

They sat together for meals which included Alice and some other of Brian´s friends. But what Steph most liked was to take walks with him and sit under his favorite tree where they had met. That was the place for their long talks about everything.

Steph told him some fun facts about her tour and Brian insisted that she sang all of her songs for him. She did it because he loved them and she was happy to share her love for music with the love of her life.

Then Brian told her about his life at school,

“When I first arrived here, Steph, I still hadn´t accepted fully that my sight was gone for good. It was as if deep down I felt some hope to see again.”

“I am so sorry, Brian. I wish you could!”

“I know you do,

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