Chapter 5 - The Invasion

After gathering some of his servants, the most manly and willing to fight, they devised a surprise attack scheme against the farmer, but there was still something to be done to make everything work as well as possible. Luz should be informed about what would happen, in order to be prepared to make the escape together with her rescuers. Here is the biggest problem, how to warn her? The way would be to pass the message on to him through one of the servants of the big house.

Alabá would be the most suitable person, however, how to locate her to send a ticket with the information to Luz? Vicente, one of the blacks who knew the maid, explained that at least once a month some of those who served the women of the Dantas family were sent to the village to buy products from the province, and it would be a great opportunity to talk to the maid. that would certainly be among them.

By coincidence, the next morning would be the exact day in question and what should be done w

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