Chapter 4 - Back to Captivity

A strong wind started to blow in that darkness that was lit only by the weak light of some fires purposely prepared and lit for that occasion, it seemed that God or some other force of nature was saddened to see the suffering of those innocents. The most superstitious commented that the spirits rode from side to side in their seven-headed animals promising punishment to the executioners. Fire, sulfur and smoke came out of their nostrils, testifying to the cruelty that was being done there and at the right moment they would punish those responsible for the injustices committed with death.

 Black Africans believed and worshiped different types of gods, spirits who lived on another plane and who called Orixás. Totally superstitious, they saw everything in mystery and attributed their fate and destiny to the unknown, they were certain that revenge would fall on the Dantas soon. The cold of the serene punished even more their bodies exposed in the moonlight and the dar

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