Final chapter - The Freedom Prize

The property on which Dionísio and his men just arrived belonged to Colonel Leopoldo, a friend of old times, they met while still young and grew up practicing the same abuses against women and children. Pedophilia, heinous crimes against innocents, disobedience to the authorities and various other barbarities have always been his favorite diversions. At that time, they were two playboys who believed they had the freedom and the right to do what they thought was best, due to the fact that they belonged to wealthy families, so they spent their entire lives committing countless absurdities.

But time passed, each went their own way and stopped visiting each other. However, neither of them changed old habits and continued to abuse their luck. Dionysus finally came face to face with the donkeys and now he had become a fugitive, pursued by the Empire and his presence was a threat to anyone who intended to help him. As the news that he became a defendant before the Portuguese

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