42. I love you

Adriano Di Lauro

I kiss her lips one last time before reluctantly letting her go. I can feel her excessive exhaustion, her paleness coating her skin and the emerald green of her eyes looking dull. She doesn't look well and the only thing I can think of at this moment is to lock her in my room and force her to rest... However, I let her go with a kind of uneasiness whipping at my insides.

I don't like sensations which starts to take over my senses. They want to make me lose control and I can't allow it.

"Hey, are you okay?". My right hand's question interrupts my internal debate. I haven't been able to concentrate all morning and that's got me in a lousy mood.

"I am," I give a terse answer. "I'm trying to deal with a rebel wife".

"The same old story, man", the lawyer scoffs. Situations like these make me rethink our friendship. I can't stand it and he knows it. In fact, that motivates him more to behave like a real bastard. "I think you're fading, my friend. Or maybe you're winning, le
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