Chapter 6

"Everyone sees what you look like, but few guess what you are," Niccolo Machiavelli.

Of all the people around us, who truly knows you as you are? One, two, maybe three people. I realized that appearances can be deceiving, just because you dress like a hobo and your way of expressing yourself is different does not mean that you are not a good person. Sometimes in life who dresses better, who treats you better, who talks better, and even who claims to be your friend...

That person is the one who stabs, hurts and kills you the best.

I am content if I am truly known by only one or maybe two people... maybe.

I must admit, though I don't want to, that I feel a little guilty because I am one of those people who judge a book by its cover. My surprise was great to discover that I was quite wrong. At least they are not gangbangers like I really thought they were. It's been a month since the guys came to help us with the move. My new apartment is furnished and makes me feel at home. Even though
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