Chapter 5755
Charlie said, “I just met my grandparents’ family. My eldest uncle mentioned that my father happened to obtain a book called the Preface to the Apocalyptic Book. Although my eldest uncle didn't know what was written in the book, he remembered my father often mentioned terms like the ‘fate of the ascending dragon’. I once heard Master Lennard say that people's destinies can be categorized into different destinies such as the fate of the python and the fate of the dragon, but I didn't know what the fate of the ascending dragon is.”

Vera didn't answer Charlie's question but curiously asked, “When you mentioned Master Lennard, which Master Lennard are you referring to? What's his name?”

Charlie replied, “He is Chandler Lennard, the direct descendant of the Feng Shui master, Master Brice Lennard…”

Vera murmured, “Gold is solid, wood is tough, water is clear, fire burns, earth is hard, and wind is strong. The Chandler Lennard you mentioned should be the great-grandson of Jory Lennard, my
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