Part Nineteen -The Rescue

The woods around the river were completely full of men looking for the kidnappers, a great siege was made over the entire area where they could have gone, Martim believed they were intent on going down to the crossing of the waters of the two tributaries, where they would certainly make use of some vessel towards Manaus. What still worried them was not knowing for sure what they could have done with Mauricio, since it would be of no use if they were already in possession of all the money, they demanded to release him. Walquíria was very apprehensive about this and asked them for more effort in their searches:

 — Please, my friends, I ask you for total commitment in this quest to free Mauricio, remember that he would give his own life to help any of you

 — We know that missus, the boss is a good man and we will do everything possible to bring him back home safe and sound as soon as possible, rest assured that everything will work out

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