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Large traders moved from the capital to the new city located in Marajo, the population increased and lacked a ruler. The invitation was made to him. At first she was reluctant, but with the encouragement of the inhabitants and the support of Mauricio.

 She gave in to the appeals and accepted to run and was elected the first female governor in the state with a significant number of votes, without giving the least chance to the other candidates for the position. Four years later, after successfully fulfilling his first political mandate and receiving several honorable titles for the life devoted to the most, needy and for the various support programs for riverside dwellers, he accepted from his party the proposal to run for the mandate of governor of Pará.

What she did and once again was elected in the first round of the elections, and governed her state with the same dedication in favor of the neediest social classes. This way he left in history a legacy of his c

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