Part Nine - Edward's Death

And help him to endure the martyrdom he would certainly be experiencing. She felt the main culprit for his suffering, because it was, she who encouraged him to accompany her in that failed attempt at escape. Deep down he did not believe he could escape unscathed from that hell where he was, but he saw a certain amount of hope in him, for he was a strong young man, knowledgeable of the region and the son of a man feared by all.

He thought that at his side no one would dare lay hands on him. But his thoughts were wrong, his biggest mistake was not paying attention to the fact that he was not recognized abroad as the Colonel's son and would never receive different treatment. Now, back in captivity, he found himself powerless to provide any help. In that anguish, he wondered about the possibility that his friend was still alive, and if he did, what state would he be in?

Because, knowing the intensity of the evil with which Santiago was acting against those who affronted

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