I don't know anything about him Part 1


I've been almost three weeks without being able to communicate with Dante. There's no response or any sign of him or his goons, and the guy named Ivan isn't responding either. Could it be that he's already forgotten about me? Or perhaps I never meant anything to him, just sex, until he got what he wanted and disappeared. Maybe he realized it was time to distance himself after getting what he wanted. His lack of response makes me believe that. And since I haven't received a single message since that night, all of this makes me realize the reality. I thought he actually felt something for me, at least that he liked me, but that didn't even seem to happen. I was naive. I don't know how I could believe in this man, trust him knowing he's a mafioso and a killer. If my mother knew about my stupidity and how I gave myself to a guy like that, she would be completely disappointed in me.

Today, I was supposed to go see her, but I told her I would come after getting out of university. Sin
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