CHAPTER 4: A man without a heart!

“How do you feel?” Elsa questioned the next day, caressing her friend's face.

"Better," she answered in a brittle voice. “Thanks for saving my baby” she blinked and shed several tears.

“You must be calm, and work less,” said the specialist, “I warned you that your pregnancy was at risk”

Myriam pressed her lips together and caressed her belly.

"You're right, but if I don't do what they ask me, I can lose my job," she said, sobbing.

"And if you keep working like that, you could lose your baby, think about it," Elsa recommended, "I'll discharge you," she reported, and left the room to check on other patients.

Myriam sighed deeply and closed her eyes, but then she remembered that she had to go to work, she picked up her cell phone that a nurse had given her a few minutes before, and noticed that she had an email, she felt a chill when she saw that it was her boss. Her hand went to her mouth as she realized she had been fired.

“Cannot be!” she exclaimed with tears streaming down her face,
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