Chapter 3150
It was utterly embarrassing.

“It’s okay. You’ll get more thick-skinned after each loss and eventually be able to brush it off.”

After Zachary spoke, Serenity hit him lightly.

He burst out laughing.

Well, he was only speaking facts.

Laurence was gifted. Not only did he have an extremely good memory, but he also had great teachers. Even if his teacher ignored him, his teacher’s mentor would train him. He also excelled in academics, martial arts, and medical skills.

Great teachers would always produce brilliant students.

While Sonny nevertheless had some advantages over Laurence, it was a fat chance for him to beat Laurence. Zachary was not trying to kill Sonny’s confidence.

However, they sent Sonny to martial arts lessons primarily to strengthen his body and gain self-defense skills; not counting on him to become a master at it.

“How could you say this to him? Sonny, don’t listen to him. You’re doing great. Although you can’t beat Laurence, you’re still much better than
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