Chapter 909
Anderson was still fighting with his wife.

Talia’s world came crumbling down when she caught her husband cheating on her with his mistress.

She had always thought that he’d remain faithful to her and their marriage, even though he secretly had feelings for another lady. Never had she thought that he’d be this filthy and sleep around with someone else.

Both he and his mistress knew no shame at all. He might as well have had another family on the side.

At the next moment, an ashtray was hurled above his eyes.

Crimson blood rolled down his cheek. She might as well have thrown their marriage out the window the moment she hurled the ashtray at him.

Anderson stared at his wife, his eyes were filled with gloominess. “Will you knock it off?”

Why would she, though?

A burning fury rose within her chest. Yanking Ayanna out of her husband’s arms, she swung her hand and slapped the young lady’s fair and delicate cheeks twice, drawing blood.

Ayanna held her face, but she remained quie
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