8. The harsh reality

Olivia opened her eyes and her eyelids felt like they weighed tons.

Her eyes were obviously swollen from the bruises, and despite the good medicine, it wasn't as if it worked magic right away.

She felt as if she had been asleep for an eternity and surely, after the blackout and with her mind out of control, Lucian had finally put her to sleep so that she could recover and have more time to prepare the explanation she would surely demand.

Olivia lifted her body a little from the huge bed in which she slept, looking around the darkened room through the slit of her open eyes, barely able to see anything because of the heavy curtains that blocked the natural light from the windows.

She barely noticed that the wounds on her hands and arms were bandaged and her face was swollen and sore, but not to an unbearable point, someone had given her first aid.

Then fragments of the unbelievable events of the last few hours came to her numb mind, which was already awakening from the lethargy of sl
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