7. Do werewolves exist?

The wolf stopped at a safe distance from her, but its still fierce gaze and the blood dripping from the fur around its mouth gave Olivia no peace.

There was a memory in her mind that wanted to come out, this animal seemed familiar and so close to her, but she knew it had to be a bad game of her madness.

It was him or her, if only she could hurt him, take the girl and run.

All pure fantasy, but she would make one last attempt to survive.

Before her finger could pull the trigger, she watched in horror as the girl jumped from behind her back, out of the shelter of the tree, and ran toward the wolf.

- Don't go! - Olivia shouted at her, reaching out to grab her and save her from certain death, but the little girl didn't stop until she reached the huge wolf and tried to wrap her short arms around its neck.

Olivia's mouth fell open as the little girl began to scream "Daddy" and cry, and she tensed as the wolf lowered his furry head, but instead of devouring the cute baby in one bite, he j
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