chapter twenty five


The next day.

I wake up with the sun on my face and I see I forgot to close the curtain I sit on the bed look to the side and I see him sleeping so peacefully with his blond hair falling over his eyes he is so handsome and at the same time as bad as anyone can to be like that he must have suffered because of someone to be like that he can only move around and I leave my daydreams running and go to the bathroom to take a quick shower and I wear my clothes right here when I leave the bathroom he goes in I go towards the door I walk down the hall When I get close to the stairs I see another corridor I didn't realize I'm about to go there when I hear laughter from the bottom of their stairs when I'm on the last step I see Mia, Celina, Iggy and the little savannah I go go down the last step when everything starts to turn I lean on the banister and close my eyes I feel his hands on

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