Chapter 24

We arrived at the hospital after noon. I told Danielle about my aunt and within minutes she was at Nate's house with Logan to cheer me up. As much as I want to go back to a time when my life was perfect, I can't seem to do it. It seems more like he was hell bent on making me suffer because of the power struggle that doesn't belong to me.

I hate what my life has become.

I was sitting in a chair waiting in Dr. Kozlov's office for someone to come in and explain to me what was going on. I know there are complications with all surgeries, but fate is being very cruel to me these days. I see several people come in making my heart race.

"Sorry I'm late," Dr. Kozlov excused himself, and a man and two other women came in with Nathan, Logan and Danielle.

"What happened to my aunt Francesca?" I ask, swallowing the lump in my throat, he sits down after closing the door.

"We only enforced Mrs. Rinaldi's last wishes," answers a brown-haired boy. "I'm Ryan Stevenson and I was in charge of performing
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