Chapter 2509
Upon hearing Gerald’s question, Lord Ethern was prompted to reveal a few samples of the herbs they were locating… and it wasn’t long before Gerald felt his eyes twitch. After all, those samples were herbs inherited by the ancient witches… In other words, they were the ones he was for as well!

Naturally, Marcel recognized them as well, and he was quick to say, “…These…”

Noticing how the two were looking at the herbs, Darkwind muttered, “…I take it that the herbalist they’re looking for really is Ms. Phoebe, Mr. Crawford?”

“…Well, it’s hard to say if she is since Marcel already said that the timing wasn’t right… Regardless, this is an important clue. Lord Ethern, was it? Could you elaborate a bit more on your master?” muttered Gerald as he turned to face the man again.

“I really can’t say…! Look, Master always appears before us in a shadowy form, so none of us have ever seen his face!” replied Lord Ethern while shaking his head.

“…Is that the truth?”

“I swear on my life!” exc
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