Chapter 2628 Chatty’s Boyfriend
In the blink of an eye, Chatty grew up.

As soon as she graduated from high school, she found a boyfriend.

She was also happy to go home and share the good news with Nicole.

Nicole did not think much of it. She thought that her daughter should enjoy the feeling of sweet and youthful love.

Thus, Nicole asked Chatty about her feelings and did not think she was too serious in a relationship.

Nicole felt that she could turn a blind eye to it.

However, when Clayton found out, he could not sleep all night.

Clayton intended to have a good talk with his daughter.

Chatty did not think much of it.

“Everyone in my class has a boyfriend. If I didn’t have one, I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the trend! Of course, I have to date while I’m young. Otherwise, it won’t be considered puppy love anymore! Life without a first love isn’t perfect!”

Clayton tried to persuade her. “You’re still young. If you see the world, you’ll know that men aren’t great.”

“Then is Mommy blind since she’s with y
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