Chapter 5817
Jameson was truly surprised to learn that Charlie was not only the boss of Apothecary Pharmaceutical but also the person who had given his son a lifesaving opportunity when he was at his most desperate.

He reflected on his previous helplessness and felt immensely grateful to Charlie at this moment.

Liam smiled and said, “Mr. Smith, there's no need to worry. Mr. Wade has instructed me that he’s currently out of town, so over the next few days, you should focus on accompanying your son for his treatment. When your child's condition improves a bit and Mr. Wade returns to Aurous Hill, he will naturally arrange a meeting with you then.”

Jameson expressed his heartfelt gratitude, saying, “Then, please convey my thanks to Mr. Wade. My whole family is deeply grateful for his kindness and generosity!”

Liam nodded, observing Jameson's current state, and he instantly understood that this person indeed harbored sincere gratitude toward Charlie and would undoubtedly repay him in the future.

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