Chapter 5796
Soon, the moment the sun set completely, everyone lit a bonfire and the barbecue pit. Since everyone had prepared ingredients and Charlie had specially bought more, this dinner was particularly sumptuous.

Besides, Charlie also bought plenty of good wine, which further enhanced the mood and atmosphere. Basically, everyone decided to indulge in drinking that night.

Therefore, Charlie specially infused some Reiki into the wine. This Reiki couldn't strengthen their bodies or treat illnesses, but it ensured that no matter how much they drank that night, they wouldn't even yawn at all.

Moreover, once this faint Reiki was absorbed by their bodies, it wouldn't leave any traces behind. Even if Fleur came, she wouldn't notice anything.

Yorkshire Hill was located on a plateau, and the temperature difference between day and night was relatively large. Combined with the altitude of Mount Turtle Back, the temperature dropped considerably after nightfall. So, everyone sat around the bonfire, wa
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