Chapter 5790
“I’m sure!” Vera pulled Charlie onto the cobblestone bridge. In the center of the bridge, she pointed to a chipped bluestone slab and told Charlie, “This damaged piece was caused by a frightened horse. Its owner was a stonemason who came to deliver two stone sculptures to the new mansion of the chieftain of Stoneridge. The horse had some difficulty crossing this cobblestone bridge, so the stonemason whipped it harshly. The horse got anxious, slipped, almost fell down, and then struggled forward as if crazy, overturning the cart it was dragging. One of the stone sculptures smashed into this bluestone slab, leaving this chip here.”

As she spoke, Vera continued, “Coincidentally, I accompanied my grandfather from Digerro town that day to congratulate the chieftain here. So, I happened to witness the entire incident of the horse causing trouble at the bridge.”

As Charlie listened to her description, he couldn't help but imagine the scene she described.

At that moment, a girl about seven
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