Chapter 5789
As Vera had said, in her lifetime, she couldn't seek revenge on Fleur with her strength, but she could confront Fleur with immense courage. Not being detected under Fleur's nose might be the best way for her to confront Fleur now.

So, Charlie was also somewhat influenced by her and said, “In that case, there's no need for someone to secretly install any monitoring equipment. I'll accompany you here and wait for Fleur to come. I want to see for myself who exactly this Fleur is!”

Vera asked in surprise, “Young Master, are you really willing to accompany me?”

Charlie nodded. “Yes.”

Vera said seriously, “This is equivalent to walking a tightrope on a cliff. One mistake could be fatal.”

Charlie laughed and said, “If you're not afraid, why should I be?”

Vera smiled slightly, and her eyes were full of sincerity as she said, “I’m content with your words, Young Master, but I'm not like you. I have no family or relatives. Death is not a terrifying thing for me. On the contrary, it's a reli
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