Chapter 5126
The taxi driver was also a little angry. His eyes opened wide in anger as he said, “I smoked when the car was parked. I didn’t smoke when you came into the cab. The taxi company rules stipulate that we aren’t allowed to smoke in front of the passengers. I didn’t violate the rules, did I? You will only be taking my car for ten minutes, at most. Aren’t you going to allow me to smoke at other times?”

Elaine said angrily, “Get this clear, the taxi is your service place, and you have to keep your service place clean, with fresh air. Is it reasonable for you to make the whole place smell so strongly of cigarettes?”

The taxi driver said angrily, “This service place is provided by the taxi company, not me. I am simply the driver. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can go to the taxi company to complain then.”

With that said, the taxi driver muttered in dissatisfaction, “It’s just cigarettes, what’s the big fuss? Doesn’t your husband smoke?”

Elaine rolled her eyes at him and replied, “He
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