Chapter 5125
Elaine stood at the roadside of the exit at the airport and kept calling Jacob. However, her calls could not get through.

She cursed, “This damn Jacob! I don’t know where he has gone. He’s not answering my calls!”

Claire asked her, “Mom, are you sure you told him what time to come?”

Elaine said in exasperation, “Of course, I told him clearly. He also promised me over the phone. I don’t know why he hasn’t shown up and isn’t answering my calls. He’s really unreliable!”

Claire also hurriedly took out her cell phone and called Jacob, but as Elaine had mentioned, he still did not answer his phone.

She said with a very nervous expression, “Dad couldn’t have met with an accident, right? It’s not his bedtime yet, so why isn’t he answering our calls?”

Charlie hurriedly comforted, “Honey, don’t be so negative. Dad is in good health, so how could he have met with an accident? Perhaps it’s just because he has fallen asleep. I think we should go home first and take a look!”

“Yes!” Claire qu
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