Excerpt 2b

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Excerpt 2b.

Several hours later, Anarieveta admitted to herself that she's happy again for the first time in a long time. Genuinely, womanly happy.

He was right there in the kitchen with her when she was making omelets and he found every reason to make her laugh. At first, it was difficult—she doesn't really have a lot to smile about.

But he was always making jokes. And when jokes weren't working much, he told her stories about his children in the past. The stories were so funny, they made her smile. Smile so hard. Laugh.

It didn't take long before she was laughing out loud as he told her tales elaborately.

They ate together. Went out on a walk together. When they got back, they sat in the wooden chairs in the backyard, talking with each other.

It was beautiful. It made Anarieveta so happy

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