Chapter 6896
James grasped the Wuia Wine and raised it toward Youcef, saying, “Cheers!”

“Wait…” Youcef attempted to intervene, but James had already taken several large gulps in quick succession.

The next moment, James became cloaked in a Wama Divine Light. The crackling of lightning and the rumble of thunder immediately followed, dimming the surrounding sky.

Youcef rose in astonishment and said, “I warned you against recklessness, yet you chose not to listen. Must you rob me of another worthy opponent?

James, encircled by the vibrant divine light and the tumult of lightning, was unresponsive. The calamity swirling around him intensified and knocked Youcef away.

However, James stood resolute amidst the swirling chaos of lightning and myriad tribulations. He held the Wuia Wine in one hand while employing countless mysterious powers from the other to merge the fragmented Genesis Worlds.

After a moment, the divine light surrounding James gradually faded away, along with the lightning and thunde
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