Chapter 6895
The next moment, a brilliant cascade of divine light burst forth, revealing a handsome young man with a tall and commanding presence before James. Clad in a black robe adorned with shimmering hues of holy light, he exuded an aura of majesty and power.

He fixed his gaze on James and gracefully settled into a cross-legged position, radiating an air of serenity and composure.

“Allow me to introduce myself. I am Youcef Maevik, known by the courtesy name Quenton Xavian, and I bear the title of Cosmic Lord. I’m from the Forty-Ninth Heaven and am a disciple under Taishi. Much like yourself, I am also one of the Chosen Ones."

Upon hearing this introduction, James’ curiosity was piqued. The man before him appeared to be mysterious and possessed unparalleled strength.

At that moment, Lesia’s voice broke in abruptly. “Youcef is Emperor Qadeer’s sole heir and also Yehria’s half-sibling. You should be careful. He is considerably powerful.”

Upon receiving this revelation, James scruntinized Yo
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