Chapter 6811
James had a dazed look on his face. A few seconds later, he burst out laughing.

“You can be a bit more honest with yourself.” The woman gave a small snort. “I can give you what you want if you are willing to do the same for me.”

James took it that the woman was in a way telling him she would accept his advances if James had such intentions.

He sipped the Chaos Absinthe whilst trying to suppress the restless feeling inside him. “Were you born with the Soul Enchantment Art? Or did you learn it from someone?”

The woman’s brows arched. “Are you trying to say that’s the reason for the lustful thoughts in your head now? I’ll be frank. I’ve always kept my true appearance hidden, not because I want to maintain a mysterious or elusive image. It’s only because I want to avoid the troubles that may arise from having an unnecessarily beautiful face.”

James smirked. “You truly are the most narcissistic and thick-skinned person I’ve ever met.”

Yehria snapped, “Why you—”

“Calm down.” J
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