Chapter 1823
Just the thought of it was enough to make one feel overwhelmed!

"Maybe, nothing happened between you two. It was because Paul was sober. He wasn't drugged. Both you and Aurum were unconscious, so it shouldn't be possible. Now that things aren't clear yet, you..."

Gale shook her head. "Stop, Ivy." Her mind was a mess and a blur. She did not know if it had happened. She had no memory of it at all. However, the facts were right in front of her, denying it was difficult. Just because Shawn believed in her, and she believed in her own character, did not mean they could pretend nothing had happened. She could not deceive herself. She also understood that there would always be a thorn in Shawn's heart. This thorn had to be removed, and it could not be left in his heart forever. Otherwise, the wound would only get deeper, then fester, become inflamed, and eventually have to be cut out!

"First, find out the whole story. With Mr. Wood's power, investigating what happened last night and findi
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