Fifth Chapter - New Passion

It was a beautiful summer afternoon, the sun was setting over the river and the girl's gaze rested on the serene movement of the waters, when a stranger approaches the small shore on the banks of Guajará and in the distance she watches him, an elegant man, thoughtful and with an air of sadness that left him far away, even though he was present a few meters from where she was.

 Everything indicated that this meeting was not at all casual, destiny traced one more of his various plans to take the character of the story that he himself created to live another great adventure. The elegant and sad-faced man, who remained leaning on the parapet made of dough and bricks, whose traces of expressions spread across the tired and hopeless look was called Vitor, and came from a past made of great disappointments in love.

She watched in silence, admiring him in secret. After some time, realizing that he seemed distant in his own thoughts, Karla decided to approach to try a co

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