Chapter 14

"Hey buddy," says the redhead smiling, I can feel Yazahib tense without being aware of what is happening, I only see his broad back when he stands in front of me to prevent his friend from looking at me.

“Colleague? You've looked at my wife for too long,” he says in an annoyed tone, “listen well to what I'm going to say Derek," I try to stop him but he won't let me. “I've brought her with you because you're the best for you to teach her, but if I see that you look inappropriately at my girlfriend, I'll break your face. Understood?” He snorted in frustration. Yazahib is never measured when it comes to demonstrating his possessiveness.

"Easy friend, I would never disrespect your girlfriend" says the other man in a calm tone.  He seems to be used to Yazahib's fury by now.

"I must go baby" Yazahib turns and looks me in the eye, he's not quite sure what he's doing, “this is an opportunity for you to be the first

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