Chapter 22

It has been a week since Yazahib suffered the accident, Daniel and Simone have not separated from him. They were forced to bury Derek without Yazahib's presence, he hasn't come out of his coma and they couldn't wait any longer.

For the first time Daniel met Yazahib's family, which she did not know existed. Caroline, taking advantage of the fact that she knows them, does not depart from Yazahib thus separating Daniel.

"Come on Teddy, you must eat something." Simone sat next to her and handed her the plate of food that Patricia had prepared for her.

"Go Simone" Caroline looked at him smiling, "How are you able to just bring food for her?" She asked, leaving him badly before the Yazahib siblings.

"Well, just as you have enough poison to kill a black mamba, you should make helpful sense. Although everyone treats Daniel as if she is nothing, she cares about you and sends for food for everyone, but what about you, who seems to be the queen among them,

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