Chapter 17

The days go by and with it comes loneliness, Yazahib has been pulling away from me, he is pulling away and its hurting me every time he looks at me indifferently. I know I did something that he didn't like, but he also behaved unacceptably and hurt me with the way he acted. I don't know what else to do, he has become more possessive, more jealous and more controlling. I do not allow it and I make it clear that he will not dominate me anymore, but that does not matter to him, it is simply shared in the wrong way.

I no longer work directly with Derek, now I work with Yazahib, I am his assistant and that job is stressful for both of us. If we go to a meeting with his colleagues, he doesn't let any of them look at me for more than a second. If I have to talk to my co-workers, Yazahib comes in to make sure everyone stays away from me. It's torture being in a fight with my boyfriend, it's really a torture. 

"You should take off that suit." I roll my eyes and keep combin

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