Chapter 16

When we get to Yazahib's house, Simone and I were already calmer. Angry with my boyfriend I get out of the car and together with my friend we go home followed by Yazahib who tries to hold my hand.

"Daniel!" Yazahib protests when I don't allow him to touch me, “I'm talking to you,” without paying attention to what he says, I keep hugging my friend.

"Teddy, you must talk to him. You know Yazahib only takes care of you," I look at my friend with a frown, “don't look at me like that, Yazahib loves you, go and talk to him,” furious, I go to the room to change my clothes. I am not talking to Yazahib, I am already tired of his behavior.

"Are you going to ignore me?" Yazahib grabs my arm and turns me. "What do you think you're doing?" 

I smile looking into his eyes, “I do not want to talk to you, leave me alone,” I let go of him and continue looking for the clothes that I will wear to be at home.


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