Chapter 26

Her aunt is laughing openly with Frank, they both seem to be looking at a photo album.  Frowning, Daniel walked in under the watchful eyes of her father and aunt. When she looked at the album she covered her mouth with her hand and her eyes crystallized. Seeing her mother in those photos stirred everything, made her relive the sadness.

"Mom," she whispered, caressing a photo where the young woman is. "Where did you get these photos?" She asked, looking at them. "I had never seen them." She looked back at the album and one photo in particular caught her attention.  Her mother is next to a blond man with light eyes and handsome, he looks happy, so happy that she could see it from the photo.  She has never him so happy, “you're with her,” she looked at Frank and he nodded with a wistful smile on his lips.  He

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