Chapter 20

The back guards entered the floor leaving everyone present with curiosity.  Everyone wants to know what is happening and not knowing drives them crazy.

"I'll be back as soon as I can,” Yazahib looked Daniel in the eyes, “make things easy for my men, they'll keep you safe.” Daniel frowned, the feeling in her chest was killing her. She feels that something is about to happen, something that is not right. But perhaps it is only because of the fear that she has of everything that Riquelme can do.

"Okay honey, I'll be waiting for you at home." She caressed his cheek and looked into his eyes with intensity. "Please don't do anything stupid, I want you to come home healthy. Okay?”

Yazahib smiled and kissed her on the lips, “don't worry, besides, you've given me this idiot to take care of me. Everyone knows that he can't help but be loyal to you. I'll be fine, I promise.”

Daniel looked at him reproachfu

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