Chapter 21

Yazahib addressed the board with Derek and Caroline, going up the elevator Caroline could not resist her poison. "When are you going to get tired of being so pathetic?" Derek and Yazahib looked at her confused. "That woman will lead you to your downfall Yazahib, you can leave her now that you still have time." 

Yazahib looked at her coldly, "I think the one who will be finished here is you. You say one more word about Daniel or about our relationship and say goodbye to working here.” He took a step and stood in front of her. Caroline took two more steps back, “don't tempt me, you know regrets for me don't work,” the elevator opened its doors and Yazahib came out next to Derek, leaving Carolina frozen watching them walk away.

How can he threaten her like that? Why does he have to defend her so much? He never defended her that way, even when he said that he was very much in love with her, he never defended her like that. That is

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