Mr. Meyer libro 2 Prologue

It's been a month since Yazahib left Daniel in that hotel room, in need of talking to the man she loves she decided to follow him home but she found herself disappointed. Yazahib had disappeared and showed no signs of life. Daniel felt herself dying when she searched for him to no avail. How could he leave her alone? Why did he disappear from her without giving her the opportunity to explain?  How was it possible that their relationship had ended over something like hiding the fact that she didn't want to get pregnant? Why if he knew she didn't want a baby would he get mad? Clear! He thought she wanted it because of the way she smiled when she heard him talk about babies.

Daniel asked herself so many questions that hurt her heart, she thought about so many things that it broke her soul more than necessary. It's what happens, Yazahib was gone and would not come home, he would not return to her.

"Teddy, please" Simone sat next to his friend

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