Chapter 24

"No, no ... please ... I hate you, but I would never do something like that. I don't know who Riquelme is, I don't know what Marina is talking about.” The aforementioned began to cry with more pain.

"Now for Caroline," Maggie intervened, "I can't believe you've come this far just because my brother is happy.” She looked at Simone, “call the police to take her away and lock her up." Caroline didn't know what to do, her heart beats so fast. How can this happen to her?

Police quickly reached the room and Carolina was captured. Daniel was not happy about it, it has already hurt her a lot and that now she is in jail she will not return things to normal.

“Daniel,” Frank approached her, “I would tell you but ...”

"Get out ... get out of the damn room, everyone," she looked at Yazahib's brothers. "I also want you to go out, I don't want to see anyone. Get out!” She screamed without controlling her feelings

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