Chapter 11

With each passing day, Yazahib becomes more possessive and controlling, the story of my life lately. Yazahib makes me very happy, I cannot deny that, and although I would like a little more freedom… I am not complaining at all. Yazahib pampers me, he fills me with attention and he gives me everything he wants to give me.  He now wants me to stop serving tables at parties that hire bar services, he doesn't want me to work anywhere.  He prefers me to be home all day and wait for him like a well behaved girl, but I can't do it, I want to work and not just go to college.

Yazahib has not yet introduced me to his friends or those close to him, he simply does not introduce them out of jealousy. My Darling is fascinated with my relationship, he makes him very happy that I am in good hands, he even reproaches me for taking contraceptive pills.  Yazahib wants to get me pregnant at all costs and he still doesn't know that I'm avoiding it.

"My men w

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