Final Chapter - Eternal Solitude

Today it is ninety days that I do not drink any type of alcoholic drink, it has not been easy to resist the constant desire that I feel to drown again in drunkenness, but I have managed to be strong and resist temptation. I need to achieve my purpose, which is to recover my physical form as soon as possible, in order to return to that den of prostitution and ask for rematch from that unfortunate woman who mocked me in bed.

I can't wait to have the chance to invade that hot body again and feel it vibrate inside, only with more lust not to make it ugly again. I don't even like to think about that ridiculous moment that I went through, I fell in the first round and I couldn't get up anymore, I was knocked out well before I delivered a single straight hit to the opponent.

I made a fool of myself for not having stopped before to better analyze my current situation. How to face a woman like that in bed after years of masturbation alone? Yes, it is the purest truth, since I t

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