Chapter 765
Gwynn asked, “Why should I?”

She said firmly, “What makes you think I have to accept an unfaithful husband’s gifts? Save it for someone who cares, Noah!”

With that, she shook his hand off.

However, he didn’t let her go. “I want you to come home with me now!”


She was dazed a little. Then, she lowered her eyes and sneered. “You’re never there! How is that home?”

Their hands gripped with each other in the dark of night. Their shattered relationship was just like sand. The tighter he held her hand, the faster the sand would slip from his fingers.

She shook his hands off, took a step back, and met his gaze.

Her fair face glowed with vivid colors underneath the neon lights, reminiscent of their first date. However, things were vastly different between them now.

Her voice was nonchalant and a little husky. “You’re wealthy. A lot of ladies throw themselves at you. That makes you think that no lady could ever leave your side without your say-so. Gianna was the perfect example!
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