08 - Escape

Dylan feared Lilian's denial, the two have always been very attached. It was being a shock to her. Finding out that his nephew was the most feared half-breed in history. He didn't even have Nicolau's blood, how could there be trust?

- Why didn't you tell me you were a half-breed? - She asked.

- Mom and Dad wanted to keep it a secret - he said - I'm sorry, I couldn't even tell you.

- Nicolau? He knew that you ... Wait, so Dimitri and Dionisio are too. Three mestizos, the most powerful breed living with us.

- I'm sorry for not being a pure vampire like Derick and Dominic - he said, looking down .

Lilian could not and had no right to judge him. Like her, the boys , they were one of many victims of the laws created by their ancestors. She saw them grow up to become good and skilled men. There was no trace of evil in them.

- I'm very disappointed with Nicolau - Sh

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